Woman drinking Liquid Remedy Lemonade Kombucha

How is Liquid Remedy Kombucha Sweetened

Way back when, we used to be easily fooled by big ol “low fat” “no sugar” labels slapped on the side of your fave bevvie at the shops. These days, we’ve become skeptics.

We get it. Truly. So many drinks are parading around as “better for you” when they’re really just chock full of nasty artificial sweeteners.

It’s why the tip-top, number one, get’s-asked-10+ times a week FAQ is all around sugar. Or rather, how we can make bangin’ bevvies with no sugar and all organic ingredients.

So how are Liquid Remedy drinks sweetened? Meet Stevia and Erythritol: Nature’s very own sugar substitute 🌱 as we answer the most common sugar-related questions below.

Does “No Sugar” Actually Mean No Sugar?

Absolutely! When we say “no sugar,” we mean zilch, nada, zero added sugar. Liquid Remedy Kombucha is committed to keeping things au naturel. Our brews contain no artificial sweeteners, no sneaky syrups, and definitely no hidden sugars. Instead, we rely on two superstar natural sweeteners: stevia and erythritol.

How does it taste so darn sweet (and tasty) without it?

Meet Stevia: The Sweet Leaf 🌱

Stevia, that little green wonder, hails from the chrysanthemum family and grows wild in Paraguay and Brazil. It’s like nature’s own sugar substitute.

Here’s the scoop: Stevia contains no fructose (the sugar found in fruits), yet it’s a whopping 300 times sweeter than regular sugar. When we brew our bevvies, we add a touch of organic stevia at the end of the natural fermentation process. Voilà! A hint of sweetness that perfectly balances our flavors, without any guilt.

Meet Erithritol: The Naturally Cool Kid 🍐

Erythritol isn’t some mad scientist’s creation; it’s a gift from nature. Found in pears, watermelons, grapes, and even your favorite wine, it’s about 70% as sweet as regular table sugar (sucrose).

But here’s the magic: It’s practically calorie-free and doesn’t mess with blood sugar levels. Perfect for diabetics and low-carb enthusiasts! Just like with stevia, we add a touch of erythritol during our natural fermentation process. And guess what? Our erythritol is 100% natural and certified organic. No lab coats required!

What kind of chemicals are pumped into these “no sugar” drinks?

We are not sure 🤷 cause we don’t use any ourselves. So fear not, fellow booch aficionados! Liquid Remedy Kombucha doesn’t play that game. We steer clear of chemicals and lab-made concoctions.